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Przeczek Kamil ID: 4324

Rank Rating Date



Rating /

Best achievement

Tournament A18. league 700-800:
Tournament А17:
Tournament А18:
Tournament А18. league 700-800:
Tournament А18. league 800-900:

Latter result

Przeczek K 749 1 place +11.4
Local time Opponent Rat. Result Delta
11:30 Final Konvicka V 773 3 : 2 7-11 11-5 11-5 7-11 11-8 +5
10:30 gr Pavliska M 725 3 : 2 9-11 5-11 11-2 11-4 11-7 +3.1
09:00 gr Zeman K 786 3 : 2 14-16 11-6 11-6 8-11 11-6 +5.5
08:00 gr Konvicka V 773 2 : 3 15-17 8-11 11-5 11-8 11-13 -3
Przeczek K 749 3 place -0.2
Local time Opponent Rat. Result Delta
19:04 3rd Pavliska M 735 3 : 0 13-11 12-10 11-9 +6.8
18:30 gr Pavliska M 735 3 : 2 11-6 11-8 9-11 12-14 11-6 +3.4
17:00 gr Zeman K 755 0 : 3 4-11 6-11 9-11 -7.5
16:01 gr Macura R 766 2 : 3 10-12 12-10 10-12 11-8 7-11 -3.3
Przeczek K 736 2 place +13.5
Local time Opponent Rat. Result Delta
23:30 Final Volny M 748 1 : 3 5-11 12-10 11-13 2-11 -5.3
22:00 gr Volny M 748 3 : 2 11-6 4-11 6-11 11-9 11-8 +4.5
21:00 gr Skacelik R 726 3 : 0 11-9 12-10 11-9 +7.2
20:30 gr Vavrecka R 718 3 : 0 11-4 11-8 11-7 +6.5
Przeczek K 749 4 place -12.8
Local time Opponent Rat. Result Delta
23:00 3rd Volny M 752 0 : 3 6-11 10-12 1-11 -7.8
22:00 gr Volny M 752 2 : 3 8-11 11-3 8-11 11-7 6-11 -3.9
21:00 gr Velky D jr. 748 3 : 1 12-10 11-7 9-11 11-8 +5.9
20:30 gr Molin V 732 1 : 3 11-7 9-11 7-11 11-13 -7
Przeczek K 745 3 place +4.5
Local time Opponent Rat. Result Delta
19:00 3rd Baros K 801 3 : 2 11-6 6-11 6-11 11-4 12-10 +6.2
18:30 gr Zeman K 783 1 : 3 7-11 8-11 11-9 9-11 -3.7
17:30 gr Baros K 801 3 : 2 11-8 11-8 5-11 9-11 12-10 +6.2
16:30 gr Holub M-k 788 0 : 3 7-11 11-13 7-11 -4.6

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